The installation for Marketplace Reporting for Amazon Seller Central is quite simple and straight forward. You can press the Cancel button anytime to abort installing Marketplace Reporting on your computer. The following steps will guide you through the installation:

  • Download the installation file MPRASCSetup.exe (MPRASCTrial.exe )from our website from the link you received after you purchased Marketplace Reporting for Amazon Seller Central.
  • Navigate to the folder where you saved the downloaded MPRASCSetup.exe (MPRASCTrial.exe ) file and run it.
  • When the setup program is displayed you may begin installing Marketplace Reporting.
  • While at the welcome screen, click the Next button to process with the installation
  • While at the license agreement screen, read the license agreement. Accept the terms of the license and then press the Next button, or decline the license agreement and press the Cancel button.
  • While at the Start Menu Folder, you can accept the default menu folder name, or change it to whatever you like. When you are done, press the Next button to continue with the installation.
  • When you arrive at the Select Additional Tasks screen, you can choose to have a desktop icon/short cut placed on your desktop for easy access to Marketplace Reporting for Amazon. You can also choose to create a Quick Launch icon for the Quick Launch toolbar.
  • The ready to install screen displays the previous choices you’ve made. Click on the install button to install Marketplace Reporting for Amazon.
  • When the installation is complete a finish button will be displayed. Click on the finish button to finish installing Marketplace Reporting for Amazon.

Now that you have finished installing Marketplace Reporting for Amazon on your computer, it is ready for you to run. If you choose to have a desktop icon placed on your desktop, or a quick start icon placed on your quick start toolbar then you can click on either one to start Marketplace Reporting for Amazon. If you did not choose those options then you will need to go to the start menu button for Windows 10, 7, Vista or XP find the program group and start Marketplace Reporting for Amazon from there.